What Do Our Drivers Say?

The team at UPT lets me focus on my job, loading the correct product, putting the product in the correct tank. That and the safety on the road is all I have to worry about. I don't need to worry about my paycheck and billing. Dispatch does a great job of communicating and keeping us busy, so I don't have to worry about paying my bills every week.

If you want to come to a place where the company that knows your name, knows who you are, you are not just a number, a company that they are willing to do anything for you- then UPT is the place. I came to UPT from the medical field and I never thought I would be a truck driver for the rest of my life, but this place does so much for you . They offered me a lease truck, where other companies don't necessarily care if you make it or if you fail, UPT wants you to succeed. They will do anything in their power to help you succeed and you just don't have that anywhere else.

The way we get treated here is great. I've never felt like I'm working for someone. I've always felt like its my own company. I feel at home. It's very comfortable and easy to work with all of the people. I get along with my managers, bosses, and the dispatchers, so yes, I love it here. I love the way we work as a team to get the job done.